Troy Daniels

  • الاسم: Troy Daniels
  • ترتيب: 7,096th
  • المشاهدات: 35.7K
  • الطول: 6 ft 2 in (187 cm)
  • لون الشعر: Brunette
  • الوزن: 176 lbs (80 kg)
  • الأصل: White
  • الوشم: "Beast" on right collarbone; "Beauty" on left collarbone; (Later) "This too shall pass" under right biceps; (Later) Bee on front of left shoulder; Skull and flowers on left shoulder; (By Return in 2019) Neck and deltoids; Right pectoral; Left pectoral; Heart (organ) between pectorals; Right shoulder and right biceps; Roman numeral on front of right biceps; Roman numeral on front of left biceps; Lower left biceps; Left forearm; Right thigh; Left thigh; Upper back
  • الخلفية: American
  • الأبراج: Capricorn

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