Jake Deckard

  • الاسم: Jake Deckard
  • ترتيب: 8,028th
  • المشاهدات: 47.4K
  • الطول: 5 ft 11 in (180 cm)
  • لون الشعر: Brunette
  • تاريخ الولادة: 1972-01-17
  • الوزن: 209 lbs (95 kg)
  • الأصل: White
  • مكان الميلاد: Florida, United States of America
  • الوشم: Two red Chinese characters on right shoulder; Angel wearing a Devil's mask on right biceps; Compass in a circle on left shoulder; Heart with an arrow in the middle and the words "Jake" and "Mark" in the center and "Playing to win" above and "At a fool's game" below on left biceps; Large tattoo on abdomen (above and below navel)
  • الخلفية: American
  • الأبراج: Capricorn

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